.. quickstart QuickStart ========== Install RocketIsp ----------------- The easiest way to install **Rocketisp** is:: pip install rocketisp OR on Linux sudo pip install rocketisp OR perhaps pip install --user rocketisp .. _internal_source_install: Installation From Source ------------------------ Much less common, but if installing from source, then the best way to install rocketisp is still ``pip``. After navigating to the directory holding **Rocketisp** source code, do the following:: cd full/path/to/rocketisp pip install -e . OR on Linux sudo pip install -e . OR perhaps pip install --user -e . This will execute the local ``setup.py`` file and insure that the pip-specific commands in ``setup.py`` are run. Running RocketIsp ----------------- To test the installation, from the command prompt input the command:: python -c "from rocketisp.rocket_isp import RocketThruster; RocketThruster().summ_print()" If **Rocketisp** is properly installed, then output similar to the following should result. .. literalinclude:: ./_static/example_scripts/quick_test.out RocketIsp GUI ------------- After installing with ``pip``, there will be a launch command line program called **rocketisp** or, on Windows, **rocketisp.exe** placed into your python Scripts subdirectory. From a terminal or command prompt window simply type:: rocketisp and the following tkinter GUI should appear. .. image:: ./_static/gui_basic_inputs.jpg :width: 100% If not, then there may be an issue with your system path. The path for the rocketisp executable might be something like:: /usr/local/bin/rocketisp (if installed with sudo pip install -e .) or /home//.local/bin/rocketisp (if installed with pip install -e .) or C:\Python37_64\Scripts\rocketisp.exe (on Windows) Make sure your system path includes the above path to **rocketisp**.