
Rocketisp uses a simplified JANNAF Standard approach to calculate delivered specific impulse (Isp) for liquid rocket thrust chambers.

The following examples taken from Space Engine Encyclopedia demonstrate how to use Rocketisp.

Apollo SPS

Aerojet AJ10-137 (Apollo Service Module Engine) part of the AJ10 line of Aerojet engines.

The Apollo SPS engine was used to power the Apollo command and service module

The SPS engine was used to place the Apollo spacecraft into and out of lunar orbit, and for mid-course corrections between the Earth and Moon. It also served as a retrorocket to perform the deorbit burn for Earth orbital Apollo flights.

Based on the Apollo BlockII SPS Engine Testing, the performance of the engine was about 314 sec at 100 psia chamber pressure.

With a guess of 15% for fuel film cooling, the RocketIsp model below predicts a delivered Isp of 313.2 seconds.

Note that the operating core mixture ratio was calculated based on maximizing the delivered Isp by using the method set_mr_to_max_ispdel.

_images/AJ10-137_SPS_Engine.jpg _images/Apollo_SPS_Isp_curves.jpg
Apollo SPS, Aerojet AJ10-137 (Apollo Service Module Engine)
from rocketisp.rocket_isp import RocketThruster
from rocketisp.geometry import Geometry
from rocketisp.stream_tubes import CoreStream
from rocketisp.efficiencies import Efficiencies

# create basic Geometry.
# Use "place-holder" of 1 inch for throat radius... correct later with "scale_Rt_to_Thrust"
geomObj = Geometry(Rthrt=1,
                   CR=2.5, eps=62.5,  pcentBell=72.3,
                   RupThroat=1.5, RdwnThroat=1.0, RchmConv=1.0, cham_conv_deg=30,
                   LchmOvrDt=3.10, LchmMin=2.0, LchamberInp=None)

effObj = Efficiencies()
effObj.set_const('ERE', 0.98) # don't know injector details so set effERE=0.98

# It's an ablative chamber, so some FFC (fuel film cooling) is required... guess about 15%
core = CoreStream( geomObj=geomObj, effObj=effObj, pcentFFC=15.0,
                   oxName='N2O4', fuelName='A50',  MRcore=1.6, Pc=100 )

R = RocketThruster(name='Apollo SPS',coreObj=core)

# scale geometry to give 20,500 lbf of thrust for current conditions
R.scale_Rt_to_Thrust( 20500 , Pamb=0.0  )

# figure out best mixture ratio to run the engine.

# re-scale geometry to give 20,500 lbf of thrust after MR change
R.scale_Rt_to_Thrust( 20500 , Pamb=0.0  )


The resulting summary print is

============================== Apollo SPS ==============================
................................. Geometry .................................
..................................  Input ..................................
cham_conv_deg = 30.00 deg  half angle of conical convergent section
           CR =   2.5      chamber contraction ratio (Ainj / Athroat)
          eps =  62.5      nozzle area ratio (Aexit / Athroat)
  LchamberInp =  None  in  user input value of chamber length (will override all other entries)
      LchmMin = 2.000  in  minimum chamber length (will override LchmOvrDt)
                           (5.080 cm, 0.167 ft)
    LchmOvrDt =   3.1      ratio of chamber length to throat diameter (Lcham / Dthrt)
      LnozInp =  None  in  user input nozzle length (will override pcentBell)
    pcentBell =  72.3      nozzle percent bell (Lnoz / L_15deg_cone)
     RchmConv =     1      radius of curvature at start of convergent section (Rconv / Rthrt)
   RdwnThroat =     1      radius of curvature just downstream of throat (Rdownstream / Rthrt)
        Rthrt = 5.971  in  throat radius
                           (15.166 cm, 0.498 ft)
    RupThroat =   1.5      radius of curvature just upstream of throat (Rupstream / Rthrt)
...............................  Output ....................................
          Ainj = 279.987 in**2  area of injector
                                (1806.367 cm**2)
            At = 111.995 in**2  throat area
                                (722.547 cm**2)
         Dexit =  94.405    in  nozzle exit diameter
                                (239.788 cm, 7.867 ft)
          Dinj =  18.881    in  diameter of injector
                                (47.958 cm, 1.573 ft)
         Dthrt =  11.941    in  throat diameter
                                (30.331 cm, 0.995 ft)
entrance_angle =   36.79   deg  nozzle initial expansion angle
    exit_angle =    9.34   deg  nozzle exit angle
    Lcham_conv =  10.009    in  length of convergent section of chamber
                                (25.424 cm, 0.834 ft)
     Lcham_cyl =  27.009    in  length of cylindrical section of chamber
                                (68.602 cm, 2.251 ft)
          Lnoz = 111.254    in  nozzle length
                                (282.586 cm, 9.271 ft)
        Ltotal = 148.273    in  nozzle + chamber length
                                (376.613 cm, 12.356 ft)
          Rinj =   9.440    in  radius of injector
                                (23.979 cm, 0.787 ft)
         Vcham =  9460.8 in**3  approximate chamber volume
                                (155034.6 cm**3)
........................ N2O4/A50 Core Stream Tube .........................
..................................  Input ..................................
   adjCstarODE =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of cstar ODE (default is 1.0)
   adjIspIdeal =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of Isp ODE (default is 1.0)
      CdThroat = 0.990299       Cd of throat (RocketThruster object may override)
                                ((MLP fit))
      fuelName =      A50       name of fuel (e.g. MMH, LH2)
ignore_noz_sep =        0       flag to force nozzle flow separation to be ignored (USE WITH CAUTION)
        MRcore =  1.87985       mixture ratio of core flow (ox flow rate / fuel flow rate)
        oxName =     N2O4       name of oxidizer (e.g. N2O4, LOX)
          Pamb =     0.00 psia  ambient pressure (for example sea level is 14.7 psia)
                                (0.00 MPa, 0.00 atm, 0.00 bar)
            Pc =    100.0 psia  chamber pressure
                                (0.69 MPa, 6.80 atm, 6.89 bar)
.................................  Output ..................................
     CfAmbDel = 1.83044          delivered ambient thrust coefficient
     CfVacDel = 1.83044          delivered vacuum thrust coefficient
   CfVacIdeal = 1.95937          ideal vacuum thrust coefficient
     cstarERE =  5534.6    ft/s  delivered core cstar
                                 (1686.9 m/s)
     cstarODE =  5647.5    ft/s  core ideal cstar
                                 (1721.4 m/s)
  FvacBarrier =  2691.2     lbf  vacuum thrust due to barrier stream tube
                                 (11971.1 N)
     FvacCore = 17808.8     lbf  vacuum thrust due to core stream tube
                                 (79217.4 N)
    FvacTotal = 20500.0     lbf  total vacuum thrust
                                 (91188.5 N)
     gammaChm = 1.13146          core gas ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv)
       IspDel =  313.18     sec  <=== thruster delivered vacuum Isp ===>
                                 (3071.29 N-sec/kg, 3.07 km/sec)
  IspDel_core =  320.87     sec  delivered Isp of core stream tube
                                 (3146.66 N-sec/kg, 3.15 km/sec)
       IspODE =  343.93     sec  core one dimensional equilibrium Isp
                                 (3372.79 N-sec/kg, 3.37 km/sec)
       IspODF =  316.89     sec  core frozen Isp
                                 (3107.63 N-sec/kg, 3.11 km/sec)
       IspODK =  333.56     sec  core one dimensional kinetic Isp
                                 (3271.15 N-sec/kg, 3.27 km/sec)
   MRthruster = 1.59787          total thruster mixture ratio')
        MWchm =  21.691 g/gmole  core gas molecular weight
        Pexit =  0.1179    psia  nozzle exit pressure
                                 (0.00 MPa, 0.01 atm, 0.01 bar)
        TcODE =  5606.3    degR  ideal core gas temperature
                                 (3114.6 degK, 2841.4 degC, 5146.6 degF)
       wdotFl =  25.196   lbm/s  total fuel flow rate
                                 (11.429 kg/s)
       wdotOx =  40.260   lbm/s  total oxidizer flow rate
                                 (18.262 kg/s)
      wdotTot =  65.457   lbm/s  total propellant flow rate (ox+fuel)
                                 (29.691 kg/s)
..At Injector Face..
 wdotFl_cInit =  21.417   lbm/s  initial core fuel flow rate (before any entrainment)
                                 (9.715 kg/s)
    wdotFlFFC =   3.779   lbm/s  fuel film coolant flow rate injected at perimeter
                                 (1.714 kg/s)
wdotTot_cInit =  61.677   lbm/s  initial core total flow rate (before any entrainment)
                                 (27.976 kg/s)
..After Entrainment..
     wdotFl_b =   5.924   lbm/s  barrier fuel flow rate (FFC + entrained)
                                 (2.687 kg/s)
     wdotFl_c =  19.272   lbm/s  final core fuel flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (8.742 kg/s)
     wdotOx_b =   4.031   lbm/s  barrier oxidizer flow rate (all entrained)
                                 (1.829 kg/s)
     wdotOx_c =  36.229   lbm/s  final core oxidizer flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (16.433 kg/s)
    wdotTot_b =   9.955   lbm/s  total barrier propellant flow rate (includes entrained)
                                 (4.516 kg/s)
    wdotTot_c =  55.502   lbm/s  total final core propellant flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (25.175 kg/s)
Isp = 0.91061    Overall Isp Efficiency
Noz = 0.95199    Nozzle Efficiency
ERE = 0.98000    (constant) Energy Release Efficiency of Chamber
FFC = 0.97605    (barrier calc) Fuel Film Cooling Efficiency of Chamber
Div = 0.98851    (simple fit eps=62.5, %bell=72.3) Divergence Efficiency of Nozzle
Kin = 0.96986    (MLP fit) Kinetic Efficiency of Nozzle
 BL = 0.99298    (MLP fit) Boundary Layer Efficiency of Nozzle
           Ignored Efficiencies           
        TP: Two Phase Efficiency of Nozzle
........................... Barrier Stream Tube ............................
..................................  Input ..................................
      ko = 0.035    entrainment constant (typical value is 0.035, range from 0.03 to 0.06)
pcentFFC =    15    percent fuel film cooling ( FFC flowrate / total fuel flowrate)
.................................  Output ..................................
  cstarERE_b =   4988.4 ft/s  delivered cstar
                              (1520.5 m/s)
  cstarODE_b =   5090.2 ft/s  ideal equilibrium cstar
                              (1551.5 m/s)
   fracKin_b =        0       fraction of kinetic completion in barrier
    IspDel_b =   270.33  sec  delivered vacuum barrier Isp
                              (2651.07 N-sec/kg, 2.65 km/sec)
    IspODE_b =   294.85       sec. ideal equilibrium barrier Isp
    IspODF_b =   281.03  sec  ideal frozen barrier Isp
                              (2755.95 N-sec/kg, 2.76 km/sec)
    IspODK_b =   281.03  sec  vacuum kinetic Isp of barrier
                              (2755.95 N-sec/kg, 2.76 km/sec)
   MRbarrier = 0.680508       barrier mixture ratio
      MRwall = 0.253152       mixture ratio at wall
     TcODE_b =   3453.4 degR  average ideal ODE temperature of barrier gas
                              (1918.6 degK, 1645.4 degC, 2993.7 degF)
    Twallgas =   2149.3 degR  temperature of gas at wall
                              (1194.1 degK, 920.9 degC, 1689.6 degF)
WentrOvWcool =  1.63403       ratio of entrained flow rate to FFC flow rate

R-4D Optimum MR

As an exercise in finding the optimum mixture ratio at which to operate a thruster, use the Aerojet HiPAT R-4D Engine shown below, as an example.

The R-4D was originally developed for the reaction control systems for the Apollo Service Module and Lunar Excursion Module. The HiPAT is the fifth generation of the R-4D 100 lbf thrust class of liquid bipropellant engines. It performs orbit-raising maneuvers for many of the world’s communication satellite platforms, including Astrium’s Eurostar 3000, Boeing Space Systems’ 702HP, MELCO’s DS-2000 and Loral’s LS-1300. The R-4D also has played critical roles in NASA missions such as Cassini’s orbit insertion of Saturn.


According to the High Pressure Bipropellant Engine System Study the Aerojet HiPAT R-4D engine uses 30% fuel film cooling (FFC) and operates at a mixture ratio of 0.85 (Note that a newer version of the R-4D has been developed that operates at a nominal 1.0 mixture ratio, so presumably less FFC)

The objective of this exercise is to model a 100 lbf N2O4/N2H4 engine with 30% FFC, a large 375:1 nozzle expansion ratio and discover the mixture ratio for maximizing delivered vacuum Isp.

The following code sets up a model of the Aerojet HiPAT R-4D Engine and iterates through a range of core stream-tube mixture ratios. RocketIsp will calculate the overall thruster mixture ratio and delivered Isp.

Because we know little of the internal thruster geometry, the method scale_Rt_to_Thrust will set the vacuum thrust to 100 lbf at each iteration. The only specific geometry parameter is the nozzle area ratio of 375:1. The rest of the geometry is left to scale “appropriately”.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from rocketisp.geometry import Geometry
from rocketisp.efficiencies import Efficiencies
from rocketisp.stream_tubes import CoreStream
from rocketisp.rocket_isp import RocketThruster

# create CoreStream with area ratio=375:1, Pc=137, FFC=30% and effERE=0.99
C = CoreStream( geomObj=Geometry(eps=375),
                effObj=Efficiencies(ERE=0.99), pcentFFC=30,
                oxName='N2O4', fuelName='N2H4',  MRcore=1.2,
                Pc=137, Pamb=0)

# instantiate RocketThruster
R = RocketThruster(name='100 lbf Aerojet HiPAT R-4D', coreObj=C)

ispodeL  = [] # list of IspODE  (one-dimensional equilibrium)
ispodkL  = [] # list of IspODK  (one-dimensional kinetic)
ispdelL  = [] # list of IspDel  (delivered Isp)
mrnetL   = [] # list of MRthruster (net mixture ratio of core and barrier)
mrcoreL  = [] # list of MRcore  (core stream tube mixture ratio)
for MRcore in np.linspace( 0.9, 1.9, num=60 ):
    C.reset_attr( 'MRcore', MRcore )
    R.scale_Rt_to_Thrust( 100 , Pamb=0.0 )

    ispodeL.append( C('IspODE') )
    ispodkL.append( C('IspODK') )
    ispdelL.append( C('IspDel') )
    mrnetL.append( C('MRthruster') )
    mrcoreL.append( C('MRcore') )

    #print( 'MRcore/MReng=%g/%g'%(MRcore, C('MRthruster')), '   effNoz=%g'%C.effObj('Noz'), '   effDiv=%g'%C.effObj('Div'), '   effBL=%g'%C.effObj('BL') )

fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(6,5) )

plt.plot(mrcoreL, ispodeL, label='IspODE', linewidth=3)
plt.plot(mrcoreL, ispodkL, label='IspODK', linewidth=3)
plt.plot(mrnetL, ispdelL, label='IspDel', linewidth=3)
plt.ylabel('Isp (sec)')
plt.xlabel('Mixture Ratio\n(MRcore for IspODE and IspODK, MRengine for IspDel)')

imL = sorted([(i,m, mc) for i,m,mc in zip(ispdelL, mrnetL, mrcoreL)])
subtitle = 'max IspDel=%.1f at MRthruster=%.2f, MRcore=%.2f'%imL[-1]

title = '%s/%s Area Ratio=%g:1 %%Bell=%g %%FFC=%g\n'%( C.oxName, C.fuelName, C.geomObj.eps,
        C.geomObj.pcentBell, C.barrierObj.pcentFFC ) + subtitle
plt.title( title )
plt.savefig( 'HiPAT_NTO_N2H4_IspDel.png' )

The above script results in the following chart.

Notice that despite the maximum IspODE mixture ratio for the core optimizing at above 1.4, and the maximum IspODK mixture ratio at about 1.2, the maximum Isp MR for the R-4D with 30% FFC is right about at its published operating point of 0.85 (RocketIsp predicts a maximum at 0.88, although the peak is pretty flat.)


The published IspDel for the 375:1 nozzle is 329. The above RocketIsp chart shows just over 325… about a 1% difference.

The output below shows the thruster efficiencies calculated by RocketIsp at the IspDel MR peak of 0.88. The overall Isp efficiency is 92.6% including the assumed chamber efficiency of 99%. The 1% Isp difference could perhaps be accounted for with more sophisticated analysis of the individual efficiencies.

============================== 100 lbf Aerojet HiPAT R-4D ==============================
................................. Geometry .................................
..................................  Input ..................................
cham_conv_deg = 30.00 deg  half angle of conical convergent section
           CR =   2.5      chamber contraction ratio (Ainj / Athroat)
          eps =   375      nozzle area ratio (Aexit / Athroat)
  LchamberInp =  None  in  user input value of chamber length (will override all other entries)
      LchmMin = 1.000  in  minimum chamber length (will override LchmOvrDt)
                           (2.540 cm, 0.083 ft)
    LchmOvrDt =     3      ratio of chamber length to throat diameter (Lcham / Dthrt)
      LnozInp =  None  in  user input nozzle length (will override pcentBell)
    pcentBell =    80      nozzle percent bell (Lnoz / L_15deg_cone)
     RchmConv =     1      radius of curvature at start of convergent section (Rconv / Rthrt)
   RdwnThroat =     1      radius of curvature just downstream of throat (Rdownstream / Rthrt)
        Rthrt = 0.357  in  throat radius
                           (0.906 cm, 0.030 ft)
    RupThroat =   1.5      radius of curvature just upstream of throat (Rupstream / Rthrt)
...............................  Output ....................................
          Ainj =  1.000 in**2  area of injector
                               (6.449 cm**2)
            At =  0.400 in**2  throat area
                               (2.579 cm**2)
         Dexit = 13.817    in  nozzle exit diameter
                               (35.094 cm, 1.151 ft)
          Dinj =  1.128    in  diameter of injector
                               (2.865 cm, 0.094 ft)
         Dthrt =  0.713    in  throat diameter
                               (1.812 cm, 0.059 ft)
entrance_angle =  39.79   deg  nozzle initial expansion angle
    exit_angle =   7.65   deg  nozzle exit angle
    Lcham_conv =  0.598    in  length of convergent section of chamber
                               (1.519 cm, 0.050 ft)
     Lcham_cyl =  1.542    in  length of cylindrical section of chamber
                               (3.918 cm, 0.129 ft)
          Lnoz = 19.561    in  nozzle length
                               (49.684 cm, 1.630 ft)
        Ltotal = 21.701    in  nozzle + chamber length
                               (55.121 cm, 1.808 ft)
          Rinj =  0.564    in  radius of injector
                               (1.433 cm, 0.047 ft)
         Vcham =    1.9 in**3  approximate chamber volume
                               (31.9 cm**3)
........................ N2O4/N2H4 Core Stream Tube ........................
..................................  Input ..................................
   adjCstarODE =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of cstar ODE (default is 1.0)
   adjIspIdeal =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of Isp ODE (default is 1.0)
      CdThroat = 0.985275       Cd of throat (RocketThruster object may override)
                                ((MLP fit))
      fuelName =     N2H4       name of fuel (e.g. MMH, LH2)
ignore_noz_sep =        0       flag to force nozzle flow separation to be ignored (USE WITH CAUTION)
        MRcore =     1.26       mixture ratio of core flow (ox flow rate / fuel flow rate)
        oxName =     N2O4       name of oxidizer (e.g. N2O4, LOX)
          Pamb =     0.00 psia  ambient pressure (for example sea level is 14.7 psia)
                                (0.00 MPa, 0.00 atm, 0.00 bar)
            Pc =    137.0 psia  chamber pressure
                                (0.94 MPa, 9.32 atm, 9.45 bar)
.................................  Output ..................................
     CfAmbDel = 1.82564          delivered ambient thrust coefficient
     CfVacDel = 1.82564          delivered vacuum thrust coefficient
   CfVacIdeal = 2.01252          ideal vacuum thrust coefficient
     cstarERE =  5729.7    ft/s  delivered core cstar
                                 (1746.4 m/s)
     cstarODE =  5787.6    ft/s  core ideal cstar
                                 (1764.1 m/s)
  FvacBarrier =    40.8     lbf  vacuum thrust due to barrier stream tube
                                 (181.4 N)
     FvacCore =    59.2     lbf  vacuum thrust due to core stream tube
                                 (263.5 N)
    FvacTotal =   100.0     lbf  total vacuum thrust
                                 (444.8 N)
     gammaChm = 1.13912          core gas ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv)
       IspDel =  324.09     sec  <=== thruster delivered vacuum Isp ===>
                                 (3178.27 N-sec/kg, 3.18 km/sec)
  IspDel_core =  335.21     sec  delivered Isp of core stream tube
                                 (3287.30 N-sec/kg, 3.29 km/sec)
       IspODE =  362.02     sec  core one dimensional equilibrium Isp
                                 (3550.20 N-sec/kg, 3.55 km/sec)
       IspODF =  337.52     sec  core frozen Isp
                                 (3309.90 N-sec/kg, 3.31 km/sec)
       IspODK =  346.44     sec  core one dimensional kinetic Isp
                                 (3397.42 N-sec/kg, 3.40 km/sec)
   MRthruster =   0.882          total thruster mixture ratio')
        MWchm =  20.222 g/gmole  core gas molecular weight
        Pexit =  0.0124    psia  nozzle exit pressure
                                 (0.00 MPa, 0.00 atm, 0.00 bar)
        TcODE =  5521.3    degR  ideal core gas temperature
                                 (3067.4 degK, 2794.2 degC, 5061.6 degF)
       wdotFl =   0.164   lbm/s  total fuel flow rate
                                 (0.074 kg/s)
       wdotOx =   0.145   lbm/s  total oxidizer flow rate
                                 (0.066 kg/s)
      wdotTot =   0.309   lbm/s  total propellant flow rate (ox+fuel)
                                 (0.140 kg/s)
..At Injector Face..
 wdotFl_cInit =   0.115   lbm/s  initial core fuel flow rate (before any entrainment)
                                 (0.052 kg/s)
    wdotFlFFC =   0.049   lbm/s  fuel film coolant flow rate injected at perimeter
                                 (0.022 kg/s)
wdotTot_cInit =   0.259   lbm/s  initial core total flow rate (before any entrainment)
                                 (0.118 kg/s)
..After Entrainment..
     wdotFl_b =   0.086   lbm/s  barrier fuel flow rate (FFC + entrained)
                                 (0.039 kg/s)
     wdotFl_c =   0.078   lbm/s  final core fuel flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (0.035 kg/s)
     wdotOx_b =   0.046   lbm/s  barrier oxidizer flow rate (all entrained)
                                 (0.021 kg/s)
     wdotOx_c =   0.099   lbm/s  final core oxidizer flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (0.045 kg/s)
    wdotTot_b =   0.132   lbm/s  total barrier propellant flow rate (includes entrained)
                                 (0.060 kg/s)
    wdotTot_c =   0.177   lbm/s  total final core propellant flow rate (injected - entrained)
                                 (0.080 kg/s)
Isp = 0.89524    Overall Isp Efficiency
Noz = 0.93530    Nozzle Efficiency
ERE = 0.99000    (constant) Energy Release Efficiency of Chamber
FFC = 0.96683    (barrier calc) Fuel Film Cooling Efficiency of Chamber
Div = 0.99403    (simple fit eps=375, %bell=80) Divergence Efficiency of Nozzle
Kin = 0.95697    (MLP fit) Kinetic Efficiency of Nozzle
 BL = 0.98323    (MLP fit) Boundary Layer Efficiency of Nozzle
           Ignored Efficiencies           
        TP: Two Phase Efficiency of Nozzle
........................... Barrier Stream Tube ............................
..................................  Input ..................................
      ko = 0.035    entrainment constant (typical value is 0.035, range from 0.03 to 0.06)
pcentFFC =    30    percent fuel film cooling ( FFC flowrate / total fuel flowrate)
.................................  Output ..................................
  cstarERE_b =    5490.6 ft/s  delivered cstar
                               (1673.5 m/s)
  cstarODE_b =    5546.1 ft/s  ideal equilibrium cstar
                               (1690.5 m/s)
   fracKin_b = 0.0628378       fraction of kinetic completion in barrier
    IspDel_b =    309.20  sec  delivered vacuum barrier Isp
                               (3032.17 N-sec/kg, 3.03 km/sec)
    IspODE_b =   321.837       sec. ideal equilibrium barrier Isp
    IspODF_b =    319.40  sec  ideal frozen barrier Isp
                               (3132.24 N-sec/kg, 3.13 km/sec)
    IspODK_b =    319.55  sec  vacuum kinetic Isp of barrier
                               (3133.74 N-sec/kg, 3.13 km/sec)
   MRbarrier =  0.537454       barrier mixture ratio
      MRwall =  0.215753       mixture ratio at wall
     TcODE_b =    4153.2 degR  average ideal ODE temperature of barrier gas
                               (2307.3 degK, 2034.2 degC, 3693.5 degF)
    Twallgas =    2774.3 degR  temperature of gas at wall
                               (1541.3 degK, 1268.1 degC, 2314.6 degF)
WentrOvWcool =   1.68107       ratio of entrained flow rate to FFC flow rate