
Install RocketIsp

The easiest way to install Rocketisp is:

pip install rocketisp

    OR on Linux
sudo pip install rocketisp
    OR perhaps
pip install --user rocketisp

Installation From Source

Much less common, but if installing from source, then the best way to install rocketisp is still pip.

After navigating to the directory holding Rocketisp source code, do the following:

cd full/path/to/rocketisp
pip install -e .

    OR on Linux
sudo pip install -e .
    OR perhaps
pip install --user -e .

This will execute the local setup.py file and insure that the pip-specific commands in setup.py are run.

Running RocketIsp

To test the installation, from the command prompt input the command:

python -c "from rocketisp.rocket_isp import RocketThruster; RocketThruster().summ_print()"

If Rocketisp is properly installed, then output similar to the following should result.

============================== RocketIsp Thruster ==============================
................................. Geometry .................................
..................................  Input ..................................
cham_conv_deg = 30.00 deg  half angle of conical convergent section
           CR =   2.5      chamber contraction ratio (Ainj / Athroat)
          eps =    20      nozzle area ratio (Aexit / Athroat)
  LchamberInp =  None  in  user input value of chamber length (will override all other entries)
      LchmMin = 1.000  in  minimum chamber length (will override LchmOvrDt)
                           (2.540 cm, 0.083 ft)
    LchmOvrDt =     3      ratio of chamber length to throat diameter (Lcham / Dthrt)
      LnozInp =  None  in  user input nozzle length (will override pcentBell)
    pcentBell =    80      nozzle percent bell (Lnoz / L_15deg_cone)
     RchmConv =     1      radius of curvature at start of convergent section (Rconv / Rthrt)
   RdwnThroat =     1      radius of curvature just downstream of throat (Rdownstream / Rthrt)
        Rthrt = 1.000  in  throat radius
                           (2.540 cm, 0.083 ft)
    RupThroat =   1.5      radius of curvature just upstream of throat (Rupstream / Rthrt)
...............................  Output ....................................
          Ainj =  7.854 in**2  area of injector
                               (50.671 cm**2)
            At =  3.142 in**2  throat area
                               (20.268 cm**2)
         Dexit =  8.944    in  nozzle exit diameter
                               (22.718 cm, 0.745 ft)
          Dinj =  3.162    in  diameter of injector
                               (8.032 cm, 0.264 ft)
         Dthrt =  2.000    in  throat diameter
                               (5.080 cm, 0.167 ft)
entrance_angle =  31.52   deg  nozzle initial expansion angle
    exit_angle =   8.84   deg  nozzle exit angle
    Lcham_conv =  1.676    in  length of convergent section of chamber
                               (4.258 cm, 0.140 ft)
     Lcham_cyl =  4.324    in  length of cylindrical section of chamber
                               (10.982 cm, 0.360 ft)
          Lnoz = 10.367    in  nozzle length
                               (26.331 cm, 0.864 ft)
        Ltotal = 16.367    in  nozzle + chamber length
                               (41.571 cm, 1.364 ft)
          Rinj =  1.581    in  radius of injector
                               (4.016 cm, 0.132 ft)
         Vcham =   42.9 in**3  approximate chamber volume
                               (702.6 cm**3)
........................ N2O4/MMH Core Stream Tube .........................
..................................  Input ..................................
   adjCstarODE =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of cstar ODE (default is 1.0)
   adjIspIdeal =        1       multiplier on NASA CEA code value of Isp ODE (default is 1.0)
      CdThroat = 0.990012       Cd of throat (RocketThruster object may override)
                                ((MLP fit))
      fuelName =      MMH       name of fuel (e.g. MMH, LH2)
ignore_noz_sep =        0       flag to force nozzle flow separation to be ignored (USE WITH CAUTION)
        MRcore =      1.9       mixture ratio of core flow (ox flow rate / fuel flow rate)
        oxName =     N2O4       name of oxidizer (e.g. N2O4, LOX)
          Pamb =     0.00 psia  ambient pressure (for example sea level is 14.7 psia)
                                (0.00 MPa, 0.00 atm, 0.00 bar)
            Pc =    500.0 psia  chamber pressure
                                (3.45 MPa, 34.02 atm, 34.47 bar)
...............................  Output ....................................
   CfAmbDel = 1.76084          delivered ambient thrust coefficient
   CfVacDel = 1.76084          delivered vacuum thrust coefficient
 CfVacIdeal = 1.82576          ideal vacuum thrust coefficient
   cstarERE =  5743.3    ft/s  delivered core cstar
                               (1750.5 m/s)
   cstarODE =  5743.3    ft/s  core ideal cstar
                               (1750.5 m/s)
   FvacCore =  2765.9     lbf  vacuum thrust due to core stream tube
                               (12303.4 N)
  FvacTotal =  2765.9     lbf  total vacuum thrust
                               (12303.4 N)
   gammaChm = 1.14849          core gas ratio of specific heats (Cp/Cv)
     IspDel =  317.49     sec  <=== thruster delivered vacuum Isp ===>
                               (3113.53 N-sec/kg, 3.11 km/sec)
IspDel_core =  317.49     sec  delivered Isp of core stream tube
                               (3113.53 N-sec/kg, 3.11 km/sec)
     IspODE =  325.91     sec  core one dimensional equilibrium Isp
                               (3196.07 N-sec/kg, 3.20 km/sec)
     IspODF =  311.72     sec  core frozen Isp
                               (3056.94 N-sec/kg, 3.06 km/sec)
     IspODK =  322.47     sec  core one dimensional kinetic Isp
                               (3162.36 N-sec/kg, 3.16 km/sec)
 MRthruster =     1.9          total thruster mixture ratio')
      MWchm =  21.725 g/gmole  core gas molecular weight
      Pexit =  2.4378    psia  nozzle exit pressure
                               (0.02 MPa, 0.17 atm, 0.17 bar)
      TcODE =  5879.0    degR  ideal core gas temperature
                               (3266.1 degK, 2993.0 degC, 5419.4 degF)
     wdotFl =   3.004   lbm/s  total fuel flow rate
                               (1.363 kg/s)
     wdotOx =   5.708   lbm/s  total oxidizer flow rate
                               (2.589 kg/s)
    wdotTot =   8.712   lbm/s  total propellant flow rate (ox+fuel)
                               (3.952 kg/s)
Isp = 0.97417    Overall Isp Efficiency
Noz = 0.97417    Nozzle Efficiency
ERE = 1.00000    Energy Release Efficiency of Chamber
Div = 0.99100    (simple fit eps=20, %bell=80) Divergence Efficiency of Nozzle
Kin = 0.98945    (MLP fit) Kinetic Efficiency of Nozzle
 BL = 0.99350    (MLP fit) Boundary Layer Efficiency of Nozzle
                  Ignored Efficiencies                  
        TP: Two Phase Efficiency of Nozzle
        Mix: Inter-Element Mixing Efficiency of Injector
        Em: Intra-Element Mixing Efficiency of Injector
        Vap: Vaporization Efficiency of Injector
        HL: Heat Loss Efficiency of Chamber

RocketIsp GUI

After installing with pip, there will be a launch command line program called rocketisp or, on Windows, rocketisp.exe placed into your python Scripts subdirectory.

From a terminal or command prompt window simply type:


and the following tkinter GUI should appear.


If not, then there may be an issue with your system path. The path for the rocketisp executable might be something like:

/usr/local/bin/rocketisp             (if installed with sudo pip install -e .)
/home/<user>/.local/bin/rocketisp    (if installed with pip install -e .)
C:\Python37_64\Scripts\rocketisp.exe    (on Windows)

Make sure your system path includes the above path to rocketisp.